The Chapel of the Franks

Here Jesus was Stripped of His Clothing
Location – Church of the Holy Sepulcher
Map Coordinates - 31.778460, 35.229556
Merged Gospels story - 279
This was formerly a door that led from the Chapel of the Franks (outside) into the Chapel of the Nailing. Today the Chapel of the Franks is closed, and only accessible from the courtyard of the Holy Sepulcher Church.
A view of the Chapel of the Franks from inside the Chapel of the Nailing.
Jesus is stripped of His garments at the chapel of the Franks (the 10th Station of the Cross).
In the center of the chapel it almost appears as if there was a door here at one time, and that is actually true. Beyond this door is a room called The Chapel of the Franks, the site of the 10th station of the cross, where Jesus was stripped of His garments. In the 12th century this doorway was installed for the benefit of both night time visitors, and poor people who could not pay the entrance fee that the Muslim landlords were charging to worship in the church.